Sanatorium Immortalitas, YAGA’22

An Immersive Explorative Game for electronic music & art festival YAGA.

Together with a team of over 50 performers, healers and shamans I've established an explorative system with a unanimous storyline about healing your body, mind and soul. It revolved around three healing departments - Corpus Salinarum, Corpus Sulphur, Corpus Mercurii - that have sent their best healers into hidden places of the forest of YAGA. In order to receive their knowledge & healing, visitors had to embark on a journey to find them.

I created a map of interactive points of interest, scripted engagement events and mini performances for 3000 visitors of the festival. So they could recharge and restore their emotional, physical and spiritual parts in a fun and playful way.

Client: Culture Gate
Creative Director: Šarūnas Kirdeikis
Theme: Mystical RECHARGE, SPIRITUAL Journey

Lithuanian Lithuanian festival Sarunas Kirdeikis Creative Director


IG: @sarunaskirdeikis

* * IG: @sarunaskirdeikis *